Liqoflux speaker at Algae Biomass Summit

Pieter Boelens, CCO of Liqoflux is invited as a speaker at the Algae Biomass Summit in Wisconsin (Oct 9-11, 2023). Pieter will present solutions for large volume algae harvesting & water treatment. We hope to meet you in the US next...

Processing large algae culture volumes

The Algae market is growing and so do our Algae clients. Over the last year the algae volumes to be harvested increased significantly. To serve our clients we co-developed with one of our clients, a Liqoflux Algae harvesting unit with 30 LipoCap membranes to harvest...

New Liqoflux units in production

Last month we commissioned in- and outside Europe two large Liqoflux algae harvesting units. Both clients will realize significant savings in the algae harvesting processes and are able to recycle the water/media back to the algae production facility. We are proud...

Alliance with Virto-Cuccolini

We are proud to announce about the new alliance between Liqoflux and Virto-Cuccolini for Spirulina algae dewatering. Virto-Cuccolini delivers high quality & performance vibrating sieves and Liqoflux is world leader in membrane algae harvesting and water processing...

Successful test AlgaeCytes

Together with AlgaeCytes, Liqoflux has completed algae harvesting tests with the LiqoCap membranes test unit. The outcome confirmed that LiqoCap membranes can successfully be used for both pre-concentration (up to ~ 20 gr/l) as well as final concentration (> 100...

New LF-Pilot unit voor low volumes

Liqoflux introduces the LF-Pilot unit with 1 smaller LiqoCap UF membrane to (pre-)concentrate lower algae culture volumes. With the LF-Pilot you can harvest 200-400 liter algae culture per hour. The LiqoCap UF membrane capillaries in the LF-Pilot unit have the same...